Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I going to ice skating

Yesterday, in the English class, I forgot to tell you that I am going to ice skate on Christmas season!!

My girlfriend loves ice skate then Every year, on Christmas season I always go to ice rink with her.

One question for all because I don't know... How do you say 'patinar sobre hielo'?... Is ice skating or ice skate?



  1. Always I want ice skating with my son, but I'm afraid of falling ... ¡I'm older!

    1. Yeah, you definitely have to be careful. I have a friend who broke his wrist while ice-skating.

  2. Hi Jesús,

    So where do you go ice-skating? Are there many places in Madrid? I know there's one near the Carrefour in Majadahonda.

    (use "go" with certain sports: go ice-skating, go skiing, go swimming, etc.)

  3. Hi Jesús:
    I went ice-skating long time. Near my neighborhood had a skating ring, in the 80`s. Your name was " Dymonds". It was placed on the street " Los Yebenes" Aluche.
    My friends and I went a lot of weekends. We had a good time there. We knew a many girls.
